Sunday, July 12, 2015

Imscared workshop edition


I'm scarred right now!

Imscared Workshop Edition is one of the creepiest pixelated indie games I've played in a while. It's no five nights at freddy but it will definitely grab your attention. When i first came across it on Riskrims channel I wasn't sure what to expect. However after watching for a couple minutes I knew it was an indie game I had to get my hands on. I instantly looked through the channel description and found the download link and payed the $1 to play. With that said, I also want to mention the developer gives the option to either download for free or pay. I assumed paying helps the developer in further creating this masterpiece. I'll put the link at the bottom of this post.


The story in this game, as far as I know is absent. There is no story in "Imscared" Workshop Edition. First off, you start in a room by yourself in front of a piano with blood on the keys. Oddly enough no one else is around, but of course that doesn't bother your character =_=. As you explore your surroundings it's pretty straightforward as to what you need to do. The game isn't linear by my regards, however there's not a whole lot of space for exploration. Then again there are tons of puzzles around every corner. As you progress solving puzzles etc you eventually run into a character I dub "Creepy" who I say is Spookys little sister. :) Anyway, the remainder of story deals with you solving puzzles and running away from her.


My gameplay experience with Imscared was a memorable one. Everything worked well as expected for pixelated demo that scared the pants off me. Interactions with characters were as the game genre, creepy. The atmosphere could be better, the whole ambiance is non existent until you get a little further along and you realize your being hunted down like a dog. Another thing I was expecting was the ability to run at will. Unfortunately, the only time you are allowed to run in Imscared is when "Creepy" is chasing after you. However, I will say this, there is a great sense of urgency when running away from Creepy. I've never been so scared in my life while running from a threat in a horror game! lol. Good job developer.


The Controls in "Imscared" are pretty straight forward with the typical movements being that of WASD, CTRL to crouch, E to interact, and SHIFT to run like hell when the creepy ghost chick chases after you. Like most games that are developed utilizing this kind of engine don't expect elegant movement or something special from AAA title dev's. To be honest I believe this is what makes games like Imscared stand out, and that much more scary to the playa's. A great example of simplicity, Five Nights at Freddy's 1 only being able to swivel back n forth closing doors and turning on lights. We love this!

 ( Imscared Workshop Edition )SPOOKY'S LITTLE SISTER "CREEPY" Creepy Indie Horror

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